Your Donations Change Lives

The Hoffman Institute Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. We depend on generous tax-deductible gifts as well as tuition revenues to ensure Hoffman’s financial viability. Your donations fund scholarships, upgrades to our new Hoffman Retreat Center in Petaluma, California, faculty training, and research and development.

For gifts of stock, planned giving, or other forms of donation, please call 800-506-5253.

Because of your support, more people can make courageous choices that change their lives. Please give generously.

Scholarship Fund

Did you know that 22% of Process participants receive support from the Hoffman Scholarship Fund? Someone is ready to take the Process today, but can’t afford it. That’s where the Hoffman Scholarship fund can make a difference.

Your gift – whatever the amount – helps increase our diversity (age, ethnicity, occupation, and financial standing), thereby enhancing the quality of everyone’s Process experience.

See the difference you can make:

Areas To Support

“Pay it Forward” by supporting the Scholarship Fund. Empower those with limited financial means to experience the life-changing benefits of the Hoffman Process. We also have designated scholarship funds for military veterans and K-12 educators.

This fund allows our board and executive management team to direct funds where they are needed most.

Support the ongoing education of our faculty, the training of new Hoffman teachers, and development of new transformational programs – all of which help to ensure the highest level of experience for our students.

Support the upgrades, fire safety projects, and expansion of our new retreat site in Petaluma, California.

To make a credit card donation by phone, call 800-506-5253, or mail your check to:
Hoffman Institute Foundation, 1299 Fourth Street, 6th Floor, San Rafael, CA 94901

For questions please call 800-506-5253 or email us at:

Become a Light Team member through manageable monthly automatic debit or credit card donations.

Call 800-506-5253 or donate online.

Process classes often join together to make a meaningful contribution to the Scholarship Fund or other purpose. Please contact us to discuss.


Gifts of appreciated stock are fully tax deductible. To transfer stock, please contact us to obtain information for your broker. For gifts by wire transfer, please call 800-506-5253 or email us at

If you are involved with a private or public foundation that you believe might support our work, please contact us to discuss.

Many companies match employee gifts at a designated ratio of 1:1 or more. Inquire into your company’s policies and double the value of your gift.

Hoffman Institute Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization. All gifts are tax-deductible according to the IRS code.

In partnership with AmazonSmile, Hoffman receives a donation from Amazon and AmazonPrime every time you shop. Simply go to, log in, select “Hoffman Institute Foundation” as your charity of choice, and start shopping as you normally would. Let Amazon donate 0.5% of your purchase price to Hoffman every time you shop through

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When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.

Maya Angelou

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